United Action for

Stand with Ukraine

10 charities

Effective support for people of Ukraine

The current war between Ukraine and Russia has severely strained international relations and increased the risk of a wider European conflict and worldwide tension. This war needs to be addressed by world leaders, institutes, organisations, and the public, each in their way. Our United Action gives way and platform to deserving nonprofits working hard to ease the adverse effects.

The problem


Charities in this United Action

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Insight Ukraine

We are a Ukrainian human rights public organization which brings together the LGBTQIA+ community.

Insight is a Ukrainian human rights organization that brings together lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people and queers. During the war they continue to do their important work by providing psychological and legal support, medicines, hormones, food, relocation, safe houses for permanent stay etc. SO far they are opening safe houses, setting up medical care, evacuation logistics for LGBTQ+ and women to safer locations, and are connecting people to host organisations within the EU and other countries.

Free Press Unlimited

People deserve to know

In Ukraine, Free Press Unlimited works with three independent media outlets. They are independent media groups in Ukraine that are engaged in independent reporting and investigative journalism. They are currently providing much-needed balanced coverage of the war. Surrounding media partners in neighboring countries are committed to continuing the flow of reliable information by (also) reporting in Russian. Following the Russian invasion, FPU has scaled up thei support and assistance to journalists at risk. They are in close contact with local partners to help in any way possible. During the increasingly escalating situation, they are helping with with safety training, emergency kits, alternative housing and evacuation.

Human Rights Watch

Tyranny has a witness

Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world and is currently highly active in the Ukraine. They direct our advocacy towards governments, armed groups and businesses, pushing them to change or enforce their laws, policies and practices. In the Ukraine, they are partnering with organizations large and small to protect embattled activists and to help hold violators to account and bring relief to war victims. At the moment, they are also working to verify information circulation on social media, monitoring human rights violations in Ukraine and informing displaced civilians on legal issues and international law and human rights.

Netherlands for Ukraine | NL4UA

Hands-on Help. We touch the lives of Ukrainian refugees right now, and where it counts.

Netherlands for Ukraine contributes to the prevention of mental scars left by war acts. They strive to help refugees to arrive and support them until they feel safe enough to return to their homeland or become sufficiently settled. They assist Urkainian refugees with advice, transportation, international transit housing, accommodation, basic financial support, and primary social integration.

Stichting Mano

From vulnerable to decisive: growing together, active together, visible together

Stichting Mano is committed to an inclusive society and work to help isolated and marginalized Rotterdamers to participate in society. With this aim, they ahve an emergency projects which supports Ukrainian refugees arriving in Rotterdam. The support is in form of providing emergency shelter, vouchers for food and supplies, and any further help they might need when integrating into the Netherlands.

Nuclear Threat Initiative

Building a Safer World

One of NTIs main priorities is the development and promotion of an alternative architecture to nuclear security. A priority that has seeminly reached peak importance. Now more than ever, the world needs a new vision for global security where the risks posed by nuclear weapons and arsenals are understood, reduced, and ultimately eliminated. Through policies and programs, dialogues and cooperative initiatives, NTI works to promote new thinking around nuclear weapons and build the strategies and systems that will allow the world to move beyond an outdated and increasingly dangerous nuclear posture and toward a safer world. The Ukraine is a strong partner on nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear security, and biosecurity issues, and NTI looks forward to continued and intensified partnership with the Ukrainian government and people on these issues at hand.

Prinses Máxima Centrum

For children, against cancer

The Prinses Maxima Center is a center for pediatric oncology. It brings together highly complex care and research for children with cancer in the Netherlands. Adapting to the current situation, the center now offers special care and treatment to Ukrainian child refugees with cancer. They have already coordinated emergency transport to the Netherlands and are now supporting the children and families through organised care, providing accommodation, and ensuring ongoing undisturbed treatments.

Movement On The Ground

Practical and effective help during humanitarian crises

MOTG aims to provide impactful and efficient emergency support and lasting aid for communities, both hosting and hosted, to become self-reliant. Their response to the Ukraine conflict has been no different. They have been working with partner organizations to support evacuation efforts of marginalized groups and are providing medical needs to actors inside Ukraine. Based on needs, MOTG will be assisting local partners in Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova and arriving refugees with necessary items, goods and medical needs.

Welcome App

We make newcomers feel at home in the Netherlands

The Welcome is a user-friendly app that connects organizations, newcomers and locals to ensure refugees a smooth integration into their new society. It functions as one central platform where supply and demand find each other, activities are offered, contacts are made and knowledge is shared. They are currently ensuring that their entire platform is available in Ukrainian and are snureing increased capacities for their helpdesk (topical & linguistic) so that Ukrainian refugees can become integrated and secure as quickly as possible.

Street Child Nederland

Helping children into education in the world's toughest places!

Street Child NL is committed to ensuring that children can stay safe, even in conflict and crisis environments. Their goal is to ensure that local NGOs helping children in their communities have the resources they need to respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances. During the Ukraine war, they leverage their networks through the UN Child Protection Clusters to strongly advocate that funds distributed through international organizations be channelled into efforts led by local Ukrainian NGOs.

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Systemic Change

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Newcomer Integration in the Netherlands

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Indigenous People’s Rights

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