United Action for

The Wellbeing of Children in the Netherlands

4 charities

Healthy Child development in the Netherlands

Children’s health includes their overall well-being from conception through adolescence. To bring out every child’s potential, they need a positive, healthy, and encouraging environment. Some children are born with health problems and need extra care from an early stage and other grow up in unsafe environments. Our United Action focuses on the overall well-being of children in the Netherlands.

The problem


Charities in this United Action

Donate to this United Action to make your money as effective as possible. Our research team rigorously evaluates each charity, and curates collections of the top performing among them, so you can tackle the same urgent problem with different solutions.

Learning for Well-being Foundation

creating communities where everyone can realize their unique potential.

The Learning for Well-being framework helps children experience holistic well-being. The center of their approach is cultivating capacities that connect children with themselves, each other, and the world. That requires acknowledging one's uniqueness and inner diversity. Learning for Well-being Foundation has started a global, social movement to create competent intergenerational partnerships that are active in different countries around the world.

SOFT tulip

Support us to help in Ukraine the most vulnerable: children and adults with disabilities!

SOFT tulip is a unique partnership of Dutch service providers for people in need of special care, who join forces to support providers in countries where there is a desire for improvement. Working in a different cultural context is a vast educational experience for Dutch experts. The exchanges between Dutch care workers and their foreign colleagues lead to a significant improvement in motivation and skills, to the benefit of both sides.

Het Vergeten Kind

A smile for every child.

The Forgotten Child (Het Vergeten Kind) offers a program with 2 strategic pillars. With the first pillar, they organize events and projects which positively impact the lives of troubled children. The 2nd pillar focuses on sustainability and structural improvements to take care of troubled children. In addition, they take the initiative to bring the situation of these forgotten children to the attention of the responsible authorities and the greater Dutch public.

Prinses Máxima Centrum

For children, against cancer

The Prinses Maxima Centrum combines the utmost care with the research of the highest degree. They educate the most driven healthcare professionals and work with the smartest researchers towards improving the care and treatments daily. By tying care, research, education, and training together, they are improving the chances of being cured and the quality of life of the children surviving cancer. The foundation 'Steun het Prinses Maxima Centrum' raises funds to provide extra services to support children and their families, for research into childhood oncology, and to support education and training in the field of childhood oncology (which are not fully covered by insurance, government, or other institutes).

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