United Action for

Accessible Healthcare

9 charities

Help make healthcare accessible for everyone

Accessible healthcare is a luxury for most of the world’s population. Finding solutions to health problems can be lengthy, complex, costly, and demanding. Our United Action bundles the very best performing charities so you can donate to several solutions at once.

The problem


Charities in this United Action

Donate to this United Action to make your money as effective as possible. Our research team rigorously evaluates each charity, and curates collections of the top performing among them, so you can tackle the same urgent problem with different solutions.

Prinses Máxima Centrum

For children, against cancer

Prinses Maxima Centrum’s goal is to cure as many children and adolescents with cancer as quickly as possible while maintaining their quality of life. They maintain a healthcare facility, a research institute and a training center for healthcare professionals. This center contributes to the global knowledge base around the treatment and care of cancer with the high quality research they conduct.

Dutch Malaria Foundation

Help us to protect children against malaria and live a better life.

The Dutch Malaria Foundation is committed to a world without malaria. They achieve this through the implementation of integrated, responsible methods to combat malaria in combination with innovative applied research, education and information provision. They see not only protecting humans, but also tackling the mosquito, the cause of malaria, as a necessity to combat malaria.


Help us protect sight and fight for disability rights

Sightsavers is an organisation working towards eliminating avoidable blindness. They provide eye operations and train eye care workers and surgeons to provide sight-saving treatment. They also help to treat and prevent neglected tropical diseases by working with local volunteers to distribute treatment and educate people on prevention and care.

Karuna Foundation

strengthening the current health institutions in Nepal

Karuna Foundation supports the Nepalese government in their adoption of the Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Program. The programme aims to prevent disabilities like birth defects or stunted growth and decrease maternal and child mortality by organising care for pregnant mothers and children. They also rehabilitate children and adults with a disability via a community-based program.

Childhood Tumour Trust

We support children, young people and their families affected by Neurofibromatosis Type 1

Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is a genetic condition often overlooked and mostly misunderstood. Childhood Tumor Trust challenges this by creating a community of parents, experts, professionals and patients to share experiences and provide knowledge. They also create campaigns and fund research around NF1


A healthy life for all

Simavi follows a rights-based approach and focuses on improving the health of women and girls. They aim to provide women with the freedom and ability to make informed choices and have the means to pursue their right to a healthy life. Their expertise lies in menstrual health, maternal health, bodily integrity, water, sanitation and hygiene.

Max Foundation

providing children in low-acces regions with a healthy start in life

Max Foundation’s mission is to decrease child mortality in children under the age of five by tackling preventable infectious diseases. They provide access to clean drinking water, good sanitation and improve hygiene conditions for mother and children. They use an integrated approach of WASH and healthcare services.

The Leprosy Mission NL

Together we make leprosy a thing of the past

The Leprosy Mission NL works to eradicate the causes and effects of leprosy. They are a member of the International Federation of Leprosy Organizations and participates in the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy. Their goals are to work towards eliminating leprosy contamination, preventing disabilities through leprosy and decreasing discrimination against people with leprosy.

Global Alliance for Rabies Control

Ending the suffering and deaths from rabies.

GARC aims to end human deaths by dog-mediated rabies. Rabies is a major public health problem that disproportionately burdens poor rural communities and it can be fully eliminated. GARC focuses on strengthening existing opportunities, raising awareness, and addressing research gaps.

Discover similar United Actions

In each of the United Actions below, you’ll find curated collections of top-performing charities, all tackling the same urgent problem from different angles.

The Wellbeing of Children in the Netherlands

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Women’s Education

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Environmental Sustainability

Sustainability means finding a way to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. However, since the industrial revolution, excessi

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Stand with Ukraine

The war in Ukraine first erupted in early 2014. It continued as never-ending shellings and skirmishes along the front line that separates Russian- and  Ukrainian-controlled border regions in th

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Systemic Change

Currently, as a society, we are facing increasingly complex and interconnected challenges, from poverty to inequality of marginalised groups, water scarcity, global political and civil unrest to ris

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Newcomer Integration in the Netherlands

People are forced to leave their homes for many reasons— from extreme weather, to political tensions, to economic pressures. Some of these people end up in the Netherlands. Arriving isn’t the end of

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