5 charities
Politics and power struggles trump the need for peace and security worldwide. Conflict can be found everywhere in the world, through terrorism, nuclear proliferation, civil wars, or forced displacement. Our United Action bundles the very best performing charities supporting world peace, so you can donate to several solutions at once.
Power struggles and political priorities trump the need for peace and security worldwide. Local and international conflict is present everywhere in the world, be it in the form of terrorism, nuclear proliferation, civil wars, military intervention, civil unrest or forced displacement.
Innocent people are killed, severely injured; they are forced to leave their homes, live in inhumane conditions and under constant threat.
No political agenda is more important than human lives, yet in the current state of our world global peace is treated like an unattainable dream. It isn’t.
Peacebuilding, resolving conflicts around the world, is an evolving field of study with diverse approaches. As there are many different causes for conflict, there are also many different ways of resolving it.
Direct assistance in conflict zones, such as economic and humanitarian aid and providing people with information and development programmes, is a proven effective method. Alongside direct assistance, strengthening democratic institutions in conflict zones, implementing inclusive policies and access to justice ensures the sustainability of peacebuilding actions.
In this appeal, you’ll find a selected group of organisations working in all of these fields.
Donate to this United Action to make your money as effective as possible. Our research team rigorously evaluates each charity, and curates collections of the top performing among them, so you can tackle the same urgent problem with different solutions.
Empowering youth to create sustainable change in communities experiencing conflict
Generations for Peace is dedicated to conflict transformation at the grassroots. They empower local volunteer leaders to promote active tolerance and responsible citizenship in communities experiencing different forms of conflict and violence. With carefully facilitated sport-based games, art, advocacy and dialogue they engage children, youth and adults for sustainable behavioural change.
Children Empowered
Aflatoun international offers social and financial education to children and young people. They provide a life skills and financial education for peace programme, developed for a (post) conflict context. The programme assists in transformation from a conflict-driven life by giving children and young people skills to analyse the underlying causes of conflict.
Preventing violent conflict. Building safer lives.
Saferworld is an international nonprofit organisation with conflict prevention and peacebuilding programmes in over 20 countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. They work to improve the safety and sense of security of people affected by conflict. They also conduct research and analysis to improve local, national, and international peacebuilding policies and practices.
Building a Safer World
NTI is a US based organisation aiming for a world without nuclear threat. The organisation develops innovative threat-reduction projects that demonstrate effective action methods to governments. They work with politicians, scientists, educators and students all over the world to prevent catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass destruction and disruption—nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical and cyber.
Tyranny has a witness
Human Rights Watch investigates human rights abuses and work to protect the people most at risk, from vulnerable minorities to civilians in wartime. They direct their advocacy towards governments, armed groups and businesses, pushing them to change or enforce their laws, policies and practices. They partner with organizations large and small across the globe to protect activists, hold abusers accountable and bring justice to victims.
In each of the United Actions below, you’ll find curated collections of top-performing charities, all tackling the same urgent problem from different angles.